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These are the nominees for DAANA Humanitarian Award for 2018. This year’s winner will be announced at the DAANA-DCMS Reunion in Chicago on July 28th, 2018.


Mohammed Sanaullah, MD
1992 batch 
Dr. Sanaullah was the first person who brought the Rohingya cause to the attention of DAANA BOD. He was involved in fundraising for this cause through his local masjid in North Dakota for a while before approaching DAANA BOD.

Also one of the first people to introduce DAANA to One Ummah and Bro Saeed. He helped coordinate our efforts on the ground in Cox Bazar. He has raised several thousand dollars for the Rohingya cause.

Sana was also the first to bring media attention towards DAANA Rohingya cause through a local new channel in North Dakota.

He maintains a low profile and prefers to work from behind the scenes.


Mohammed Sajed, MD
1993 batch (Recipient of 1st DAANA Humanitarian Award)
Dr. Sajed has been one of the main forces behind DAANA Rohingya campaign. Dr. Sajed was the first DCMS alumnus to travel to Bangladesh through MedGlobal. He later partnered with Dr. Iftekhar Mahmood of HOPE Foundation and introduced them to DAANA. He raised several thousand dollars through a fundraiser in Chicago and has also personally pledged several thousand more for HOPE Foundation hospital in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh.

He has recruited several physicians for the cause, both DCMS alumni and non-DCMS.

He has traveled to Bangladesh three times in the past year.

Currently working towards NOC for DAANA volunteers to get an NGO visa.


Mohammed Aslam Ahmed, MD
1996 batch

Dr. Aslam Ahmed has been a selfless worker for DAANA from day one. A behind the scenes player who is always willing to help for a worthy cause. He has been involved in many DAANA projects, including Mentorship committee, DAANA humanitarian causes and fundraisers.

He was another driving force behind the Rohingya cause. He introduced us to Dar ul Quran was Sunnah organization which helped us with water and sanitation projects in the Rohingya camps.

One of the main advocates for DAA, Dr. Aslam has been instrumental in coordinating various joint efforts between DAANA and DAA including Dar us Suffa.

Fahd Mirza, MBBS
2008 Batch

Dr. Fahd Mirza has been one of the key members in DAA team. He has coordinated many DAA-DAANA initiatives, including Swayamkrushi and Dar us Suffa. He also serves on the DAA Board of Directors.

He has been closely involved in the Dar us Suffa Home for the Aged program since day one. He has coordinated staffing of physicians and nurses, helped create a database and medical charts. Dr. Fahd helps coordinate the logistics for all overseas physicians who sign up to volunteer in Hyderabad.

He has helped with educational programs in Hyderabad as well.

He contributes all this while studying for his USMLE steps.
